InspHire UK Case Studies

ATR Case Study

Written by Josh French | 27-Feb-2020 12:46:42

About ATR

The ATR Group is an experienced solution provider to the Oil & Gas, Marine, Subsea & Renewables industry. They have become recognised as an important and integrate supply chain partner to over 1200 companies, delivering the rental and sale of high quality plant, tools, lifting and lifesaving equipment, subsea tooling and consumables. With 20 years of experience serving the market throughout the North Sea and UKCS, Norway and Caspian region, they are credited with providing a reliable and responsive service, whilst managing the complex certification and inspection needs of thousands of assets.

The Issue

Prior to running inspHire, ATR Group was utilising a manual process including spreadsheets to track its assets. Rapid expansion meant that a more efficient system was required. Key criteria in the system they sought were: a tried and tested system with proven track record, efficient asset tracking, excellent reporting capabilities and billing information.

The Solution

ATR Group selected inspHire Office Edition which enabled them to put into place greater controls and efficiencies that they require throughout the business.

“After working with the inspHire team, from the very beginning during the introduction of the package, the support and backup that was provided to ATR was vital. The inspHire employees have excellent technical knowledge and have always been extremely helpful when required to provide assistance to the ATR Group”.

“The continued development and efficiency of the inspHire package allows ATR to spread the package across the ever growing business, making it easier to respond to customer’s requests and helps provide the efficient accurate data that is required”.

“The transition from the manual process has enabled the company to use this powerful and efficient tool to give them the control and traceability of thousands of the company’s assets regarding the status and quantities of the equipment”.